AIStorm & Retail. AIStorm and its sister company Linear Dimensions have been heavily involved in retail solutions. These include customer analytics, flow tracking, heat maps, smart labels, inventory control, trusted customer and parking solutions.
Shelf Based Monitoring. Retail is a complex environment. In many cases vendors are renting shelf space and do not control infrastructure. For example power may not be made available for their electronic shelf signage or shelf camera systems. Often a solar system is required to enable tracks that run along the shelves. It would be advantageous to add additional features such as inventory control, customer tracking and analytics to these systems. AIStorm/LD can offer wide angle camera solutions that can operate from the small amount of power generated by the track systems.
Track based supplies can be connected to cameras with wide angle or fisheyes inventory control cameras mounted under the shelf, as well as people counting and heat map sensors attached to the same track as electronic shelf labels (ESL) devices.
3x Cheaper than Weight Based Inventory Control. AIStorm’s wide angle inventory control shelf cameras can replace weight based systems while reducing costs by 3x. Additionally, the camera based system does not require the periodic recalibration required by shelf based systems.
Trusted Customer. AIStorm’s facial recognition cameras can also add a layer of protection for high shrinkage areas. Customers can be enrolled in a loyalty program and only provided access to cabinets if they are recognized. This can significantly reduce staffing costs.
Low Resolution Cameras. Low resolution shelf cameras offer enough detection ability to recognize and monitor products designating for specific shelf spaces. As customers add or remove products inventory requirements can be updated. The system can be integrated with the ESL system to manage inventory replishment and monitor product turns.
Heatmaps. Track mounted cameras can count the number of users passing, as well as those who address or engage with a given display. The resulting analytics can be used to optimize product placement and product selection.
Secure Cabinets. Expensive inventory can be protected by sophisticated facial recognition system ensuring that only authorized staff members can open certain cabinets and recording the interactions with those secure cabinets.
Line Management. Lines and queues can be monitorign by shelf cameras, calling new attendants and ensuring a pleasant shopping experience for customers.