Services - Training, Labelling, Modelling

Dataset Development, Training, Labelling and Modelling


Training & Test Set Development.  Training is one of the biggest challenges to deploying an EDGE AI system.  Unlike microcontroller solutions, AI adds the requirement for developing a training and test dataset, and training the system.  Many companies do not realize that publicly available datasets usually are restricted from commercial use and are left surprised at the task of data development.  AIStorm and its sister company Linear Dimensions have worked with companies large and small to develop custom training sets and perform training as well as ongoing automatic and hybrid learning in application.  


Custom Dataset for Baby Monitoring


Labelling.  Labelling is the task of assigning attributes to tens or hundreds of thousands of images, videos, or sounds.  It can be very expensive.  AIStorm with its sister company Linear Dimensions offers labelling services using human and software augmented labelling.  Teams in lower costs countries are used to keep costs low and expedite the process.

CodeZero GUI


CodeZero.  It is extremely difficult to optimize an AI development for a resource limited Edge device.  Huge amounts of time can be wasted coming up to speed and modifying online code for small systems.  To minimize this effort the industry is turning to a CodeZero approach.  AIStorm has embraced this approach and offers comprehensive GUI’s to implement many functions from defining zones of interest, virtual barriers, exposure control, human detect, tracking, etc. etc. 

CodeZero Remote Support

Remote Support & Ongoing Hybrid Services.  AIStorm and its sister company AIStorm offer remote support, dataset development, labelling and modelling services in situ through its wifi enabled AI-in-Sensor products such as MantisConnect.  In many cases general operation can be attained with a smaller number of samples, however, corner cases quickly multiply.  AIStorm can help with remote support of these corner cases by access Edge devices in the field and updating the weight sets remotely to deal with these corner cases.  We have personnel in lower cost countries who can deal with enormous amounts of data around the clock to ensure that corner cases are handled as installations occur.  AIStorm offers service contracts with on-going hybrid support models to ensure your training sets are up to date and protect your user feedback scores.  This is a unique service that only AIStorm’s AI-in-Sensor wifi enabled devices can offer.   

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