Biometric keypoint tracking in real world environments is challenging. Normal imagers are too slow to keep up with real world movements and when combined with an AI processor of reasonable cost creates unacceptable lags. Using Cheetah, however, overcomes the issues of cost, latency and processing. In the video to the right Cheetah is easily keeping up with human movements while tracking eyes, nose and mouth in this case for an audio beam steering application. All of this is done at a cost 3x lower than the competition which is compatible with high volume consumer applications.
Low resolution, privacy friendly solutions for detecting falls or behavior. MantisConnect can be mounted on ceilings, walls, automobiles, appliances, smoke detectors, thermostats or almost any device. MantisConnect can last up to two years on a battery in busy environments. Compare this to the closest competitor offering only a few weeks. MantisConnect includes Bluetooth, Wifi and can handover tracking from camera to camera. MantisConnect also includes AI, an ARM M3, and many otherfeatures all on chip in a 8.6x5x3mm form factor. Flat lenses up to 90 degrees are available as are standard and custom camera housings. In the video viewed from a ceiling, a person falls over and an alerted is issued.
MantisConnect offers low cost basic gesture control for lighting, audio devices, home appliances and consumer goods. MantisConnect includes the imager, Bluetooth, Wifi, AI, power management, all on a 8.6x5x3mm OLGA chip. Solutions including the model, standard housings or custom housings are also available. Multiple flat lens options up to 90 degree FOV are also available. In the video the subject is showing four different hand gestures that might be used for device control.
Cheetah PCB offers a unique multi-factor authentication (MFA) solutions for facial recognition. CheetahPCB are wirelessly interoperable with MantisConnect sentry solutions and ChimeraLight audio monitoring solutions for high performance building automation, entry systems, smart parking and retail monitoring. Cheetah PCB is available including facial recognition. Lenses up to 90 degree FOV are available.
Cheetah PCB is unique as it can measure movements up to 260,000 frames per second which are proof of life characteristics unavailable from any other facial recognition solution. Additionally, the small variation in perspective can be used to build up unique 3D factors which increase the security level compared to other solutions at this price point.
In the video, MantisConnect is recognizing employees as part of a hygiene detection system (did employees wash their hands).
MantisConnect can be used as a real time inventory control system. MantisConnect can operate for up to two years on a single charge monitoring inventory on a shelf, providing alerts and customer analytics, or providing shoplifting protection. MantisConnect includes Bluetooth, Wifi, AI, power management, all on a 8.6x5x3mm OLGA chip. Solutions including the model, standard housings or custom housings are also available. Multiple flat lens options up to 90 degree FOV are also available. In the video products on a shelf are monitored and inventory status is maintained and communicated through the wireless interface.
MantisConnect allows the drawing of virtual barriers which can be used to monitor traffic in a room, over a doorway, or to segment a space. MantisConnect will count people crossing the virtual barrier and properly arbitrate for multiple individuals, standing in the doorway, and consider those entering and those leaving. MantisConnect includes imager, Bluetooth, Wifi, AI, power management, all on a 8.6x5x3mm OLGA chip. Solutions including the model, standard housings or custom housings are also available. Multiple flat lens options up to 90 degree FOV are also available. In the video MantisConnect is mounted over a doorway and those entering and leaving are counted to maintain a capacity count and also tracking individuals (green plus sign).
Low resolution person tracking allows imager to imager following of individuals throughout a building. Tracking can be based upon body type, gait, clothing, etc, however, privacy is maintained by not tracking faces or determining identity. Tracking can be used to determine capacity such as position in a conference room, to control HVAC or for security. MantisConnect includes Bluetooth, Wifi, AI, power management, all on a 8.6x5x3mm OLGA chip. Solutions including the model, standard housings or custom housings, multiple flat lens options up to 90 degree FOV are available. In the video MantisConnect is mounted to a wall and is monitoring persons entering and leaving different offices.
Smart toys such as drones can use MantisConnect or CheetahPCB for navigation, tracking, inspection, following and other functionality. MantisConnect is available in a 8.6x5x3mm form factor, and Cheetah PCB is available in a 9x6cm form factor. Both products are available in IC, circuit board or with pre-existing or custom packages. In the video a drone equipped with CheetahPCB offers navigation up to 260,000 frames per second.
Cheetah PCB can monitoring and analyze a golf swing up to 260,000 frames per second. Contact with the ball, predicted course, club face, type of club, swing analysis and other characteristics can be determined at prices much lower than radar and with far greater accuracy. In the video the contact between club and ball is monitored at 10,000 frames per second.
Emerging AR/VR applications are looking for low power tracking solutions, however, in general the solutiions on the market are very power hungry reducing the usefulness of such devices. MantisConnect offers low power eye tracking with accuracy rivaling more expensive higher resolution solutions. MantisConnect includes Bluetooth, Wifi, AI, power management, all on a 8.6x5x3mm OLGA chip. In the video MantisConnect is shown tracking the eye at a power least than 10% that of the higher resolution solution shown, illustrating that even at lower resolutions reasonable accuracy can be maintained.
MantisConnect may be used to monitor interest and interaction with a retail display. If individuals cross a user defined polygon, then their intrusion will detected and provided for further retail analytics analysis. MantisConnect includes Bluetooth, Wifi, AI, power management, all on a 8.6x5x3mm OLGA chip. In the video a polygon is drawn around a display and the interactions from passing customers are recorded.
Voice is a key human interface device (HID). ChimeraLight is interoperable with the MantisConnect and Cheetah PCB networking protocol for building automation, security and retail solutions. ChimeraLight is offered with models for key word spotting (KWS) or sound spotting applications (such as gunshot or glass break). In the video, the ChimeraLight PCB is shown responding to different wakeup words that might be present on a smart speaker.
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